ARM CPU也可以運行的 |
- A程式接受user輸入英文word,然後將英文word存入共享記憶體
- B程式從share memory陸續讀出英文word,並且將它們排序,及統計出現次數
- 當A程式存入特殊字元'#'至共享記憶體時,B程式要把目前收集的英文word依序排序結果(包含次數資料輸出)
繳交期限 : 2012/11/23(五)
繳交內容 : 程式執行碼 & 說明文件(也可以直接寫在程式碼內)
My answer:
因為沒有使用有C++,全部使用沒有物件導向功能的ANSI C語法,所以有很長的程式碼都是在寫link-list。
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define size 140 struct packet_data { char data[size]; short locked; }; struct data_list { //store the string char data[size]; int count; struct data_list *next; }; int main(void) { struct packet_data *shared_memory; struct data_list *first=NULL,*previous,*current,*new_data; int segment_id; segment_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(struct packet_data), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); //allocate a shared memory segment shared_memory = (struct packet_data*) shmat(segment_id, NULL, 0); //attach the shared memory segment shared_memory->locked = 0; printf("Segment_id: %d\n(Copy it to the client program)\n", segment_id); while (1) { if (shared_memory->locked) { if(!strcmp(shared_memory->data,"exit")) { //exit shmdt(shared_memory); //now detach the shared memory segment shmctl(segment_id, IPC_RMID, NULL); //now remove the shared memory segment return 0; } else if (!strcmp(shared_memory->data,"#")) { //# printf("\n\nWord counts:\n"); current=first; while (current!=NULL) { printf("%s: %d\n",current->data,current->count); current=current->next; } }else{ printf("%s ",shared_memory->data); fflush(stdout); new_data=(struct data_list*) malloc(sizeof(struct data_list)); strcpy(new_data->data,shared_memory->data); new_data->count=1; new_data->next=NULL; if (first==NULL) first=new_data; else if (strcmp(shared_memory->data,first->data)<0) { //if it's smaller than first node new_data->next=first; first=new_data; } else { current=previous=first; while (current!=NULL) //search until the end if (strcmp(shared_memory->data,current->data)>0) { previous=current; current=previous->next; } else break; if (current==NULL) //shared_memory->data is the biggest previous->next=new_data; else if (strcmp(shared_memory->data,current->data)==0) { //On the list current->count+=1; free(new_data); } else { //Not found, add to the list in order new_data->next=previous->next; previous->next=new_data; } } } shared_memory->locked=0; } system("sleep 0.1"); //save battery, you can remove it } return 0; } // 2012/11/22
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define size 140 //The size of shared memory segment (in byte) struct packet_data { char data[size]; short locked; }; int main(void) { int segment_id; //The identifier for the shared memory segment struct packet_data *shared_memory; char user_input[size]; printf("Enter the segment_id: "); scanf(" %d",&segment_id); shared_memory = (struct packet_data*) shmat(segment_id, NULL, 0); //attach the shared memory segment printf("Type someting:\n"); while(1) { if (!shared_memory->locked) { scanf(" %140s",user_input); strncpy(shared_memory->data,user_input,size); shared_memory->locked =1; system("sleep 0.5"); //save battery } if (!strcmp(user_input,"exit")) //break the loop when user input "exit" break; } shmdt(shared_memory); //detach the shared memory segment return 0; } // 2012/11/22
- 運行server
- 運行client
- 把server顯示的Segment_id複制到client上
- 在client輸入文字,server會自動顯示
- 在client輸入#,server會顯示各字出現次數
- 在client輸入exit,自動結束